Advantages and Disadvantagesd of different types of roofs
Articles > Advantages and Disadvantagesd of different types of roofsPros and Cons of Each type of roofs:
The basic purpose of a building is to sustain a roof. A roof is the most fundamental part of a building. The concept of a building evolved from the invention of a roof. The primitive man, in order to protect himself from rainwater, founded the concept of the roof. A room, house, or building is an evolved form of a roof. Today there are several types of roofs, all of which fall under three categories.
- Pitched Roofs
- Flat Roofs
- Curved Roofs
Each type of roof has the pros and cons of its own.
(1). Flat Roofs:
This type of roof is very common all over the world, especially in multistory buildings. Except for the uppermost floor of a building, the construction of a pitched and curved roof is almost impossible. Flat roofs are constructed by means of placing iron or wooden girders on the wall and then the material of the roof is supported by means of the girders or beams. There is another method of construction of flat roofs, and that is the RCC method. In this method, the Steel Reinforced Concrete is used as a roof.
1. Pros of Flat Roofs:
- The construction and repair cost of the flat roofs is lower than other types of roofs.
- Flat roof occupies less space as compared to the pitched and curved roofs.
- Less material is used in the construction of flat roofs.
- This initial construction of flat roofs is cheaper.
- An extensive repair of such types of roofs (if become necessary) is also cheaper.
- Flat roofs have a versatile design. We can use the roof for the construction of another story of the building.
- Some people use the roof as for the purpose of top roof home gardening.
- A roof deck can be built upon the flat roof. Additional construction can provide additional weather protection.
- Flat roofs are reasonable for keeping home utility costs manageable, especially in warmer climates.
2. Cons of Flat Roofs:
- These roofs are unreliable in cold weather. Water may accumulate on the surface of a flat roof.
- During snowfall season the Ice Dams may cause dangerous levels of ice and snow accumulation in winters during snowfall reason.
- Chances of early repair are higher in these types of roofs, while comparatively, the sloped roof may last more than 100 years. Many house owners are, rapidly, switching to sloped roofs.
- In the case of green roofs, the roots of the plants may penetrate deep into the roof, thus cracking the roof structure.
(2). Pitched Roofs:
Pitched roofs are generally constructed in hilly and mountainous regions, where the rain and snowfall is very high. In order to protect the roofs from seeping water, they are conically pitched up. The pitched up roofs, slip down the dumped snow, and unload the roof to maintain its stability. The pitched roofs are classified into two groups:
- Single Pitched Roof:
Single pitched roofs are sloped from the only side and the other side remains elevated. The single pitched roof is very easy to construct. As it is a one-panel roof, therefore it does not need any bridge.
- Double Pitched Roof:
The double-pitched roof consists of two plan surfaces. Both the surfaces are attached to each other at a central ridge and the sides of the two surfaces are placed on the load-bearing walls. The surfaces of the roof are known as Gables of the roof. The gables attached at one end make a triangle. The upper angle is about 90 degrees, and the angles between gables and the load-bearing walls are about 45 degrees, thus completing 180 degrees of a triangle. These types of roofs are constructed with the help of a truss. The truss provides sustainability to the gables of the roof.
1. Pros of the Pitched Roofs:
- These roofs are protection against environmental hazards, like dumping of ice and snow, and leakage of heavy rainfall water, etc.
- The natural ventilation system underneath the gables of the pitched roof provides better thermal efficiency to the roof.
- Buildings with pitched roofs provide better and natural ventilation, which provides a chance of saving energy up to 30 %.
- As compared to the flat roof, these roofs are very sustainable and last for up to 100 years.
- The rainwater of the pitched roofs is easy to reuse as compared to the flat roofs.
- Pitched roofs can be converted to house substantial extra living space inside.
2. Cons of the Pitched Roofs:
- Pitched roofs put a greater load on the load-bearing walls of the building.
- These roofs are not feasible for the multi-story plan.
- These roofs occupy a larger space.
- A large amount of constructive material is used.
- A major part of the material used in these roofs is metallic. Metal costs higher.
- These roofs can not be used for resting and strolling.
(3). Curved Roofs:
A curved roof is a roof that has a curved style. Both the pitched and the curved roofs are aimed at the same. Only the style and design are different. A curved roof generally consists of a single gable with one side slope down and the other side is flat (with very little slope). But in some cases, a curved roof is so designed that both the ends of the single gable are sloped down with an elevated center.
1. Advantages of the Curved Roofs:
- Curved roofs are resistant to winds.
- Due to being easy in construction, these roofs are very popular among developers.
- Having reduced height, these roofs are favorable in height restricted regions.
- Curved roofs are very contributive in reducing the emission of the harmful gas CO2.
- Lights can easily be installed across the roof apex.
- Curved roofs are very attractive and spectacular. They give a charming feel to a house.
- As the curved roofs are specially designed by architects and can be modified and customized to the regional conditions and requirements.
- Curved roofs are very simple but they meet the requirement of the demand of the modern-day.
2. Drawbacks of the Curved Roofs:
- Curved may be complex in design, therefore the cost of the roof may depend on the complexity of the design of the roof.
- Curved roofs need specialized architectural designing expertise of professionals and builders. Providing optimum comfort and efficiency these roofs need to be designed very carefully. For example, curved roofs are designed with enough slope to slip the snow and ice dumps slip down.
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- Different types of roofs: Flat, Pitch, Curved, and Earthen
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