EXCEL Spreadsheet For RCC Dog-legged Staircase - CivilEngineeringBible.com (Download FREE!)

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RCC Dog-legged staircase, the ensuing flights mainly lift in contrary directions. The two flights in plan are not isolated by a well. A landing is delivered comparable to the level at which the direction of the flight is regulated.
Method for designing a Dog-legged Staircase:
The stairs are divided into the following two types based on the direction along which a stair slab spreads out. 1. Stairs spanning horizontally 2. Stairs spanning vertically
Stairs spanning horizontally:
In this type of stairs, walls deliver adequate support to both sides.
Dead load of a step = 0.5 x T x R x 25
Dead load of waist slab = b x t x 25
Live load = LL (KN/m2)
Floor finish = suppose 0.5 KN/m

Stairs spanning horizontally:
In this case, the beam is sustained by both top and bottom of the flights.
Self weight of a step=1xR/2x25
Self weight of waist slab=1xtx25
Self weight of plan=1xtx25 [(R2+T2)/T]
Live Load=LL (KN/m2)
Floor finish = suppose 0.5 KN/m
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