Retaining Wall Calculator EXCEL Sheet - (Download FREE!)

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Retaining walls are used in the construction of basement below ground level, wing walls of bridge and to retain slopes in hilly terrain roads.

Retaining wall can be constructed with masonry as well as reinforced concrete. In case of masonry retaining wall, the thickness of wall increases with height because masonry resists the lateral pressure by its weight. Thus it is also called gravity retaining wall. While the reinforced concrete retaining wall resists the lateral pressure by structural action such as bending and results in thinner section.

A retaining wall is a structure that holds or retains soil behind it. There are many types of materials that can be used to create retaining walls like concrete blocks, poured concrete, treated timbers, rocks or boulders. Some are easy to use, others have a shorter life span, but all can retain soil.

File to calculate retaining wall with excel sheet.
The purpose of this Calculation is to design Retaining wall and check the adequacy of this retaining wall against overturning and sliding forces.

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