Concrete Mix Design EXCEL Calculator - (Download FREE!)

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Mix design plays an imperative function in civil construction projects. With the aim of obtaining the accurate measurement of any construction site, the usage of this user-friendly concrete mix design spreadsheet is absolutely necessary. This handy construction sheet will supply you the amounts of mix design for your construction site.

The concrete mix design refers to a technique for choosing suitable ingredients of concrete as well as establishing their balanced values so as to produce a concrete of the optimal strength, elasticity and feasibility as economically as possible.

The following properties are required to extend basis of choosing and proportioning of mix ingredients:

-The smallest amount of compressive strength is obligatory from structural consideration
-The adequate workability is considered necessary for complete compaction through the obtainable compacting equipment.
-Extreme water-cement ratio and supreme cement content to offer ample force for the specific site conditions
-Highest cement content to steer clear of shrinkage cracking due to temperature cycle in mass concrete.
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