American Standard Channels Section Properties and Dimensions in Imperial Units

Articles > American Standard Channels Section Properties and Dimensions in Imperial Units

ASTM A36 channel is one of the most widely used carbon steels in industry. A36 steel it is weldable, formable, and machinable. Galvanizing the steel increases its corrosion-resistance.

Designation Depth Width Thickness Web Thickness Flange Sectional Area Weight Moment of Inertia - Ix Moment of Inertia - Iy Section of Modulus - Wx Section of Modulus - Wy
  in in in in in2 lb/ft in4 in4 in3 in3
C 15 x 50 15 3.716 0.716 0.650 14.7 50 404 11 53.8 3.78
C 15 x 40 15 3.520 0.520 0.650 11.8 40 349 9.23 46.5 3.37
C 15 x 33.9 15 3.400 0.400 0.650 9.96 33.9 315 8.13 42.0 3.11
C 12 x 30 12 3.170 0.510 0.501 8.82 30 162 5.14 27.0 2.06
C 12 x 25 12 3.047 0.387 0.501 7.35 25 144 4.47 24.1 1.88
C 12 x 20.7 12 2.942 0.282 0.501 6.09 20.7 129 3.88 21.5 1.73
C 10 x 30 10 3.033 0.673 0.436 8.82 30 103 3.94 20.7 1.65
C 10 x 25 10 2.886 0.526 0.436 7.35 25 91.2 3.36 18.2 1.48
C 10 x 20 10 2.739 0.379 0.436 5.88 20 78.9 2.81 15.8 1.32
C 10 x 15.3 10 2.600 0.240 0.436 4.49 15.3 67.4 2.28 13.5 1.16
C 9 x 20 9 2.648 0.448 0.413 5.88 20 60.9 2.42 13.5 1.17
C 9 x 15 9 2.485 0.285 0.413 4.41 15 51.0 1.93 11.3 1.01
C 9 x 13.4 9 2.433 0.233 0.413 3.94 13.4 47.9 1.76 10.6 0.962
C 8 x 18.75 8 2.527 0.487 0.390 5.51 18.75 44.0 1.98 11.0 1.01
C 8 x 13.75 8 2.343 0.303 0.390 4.04 13.75 36.1 1.53 9.03 0.854
C 8 x 11.5 8 2.260 0.220 0.390 3.38 11.5 32.6 1.32 8.14 0.781
C 7 x 14.75 7 2.299 0.419 0.366 4.33 14.75 27.2 1.38 7.78 0.779
C 7 x 12.25 7 2.194 0.314 0.366 3.6 12.25 24.2 1.17 6.93 0.703
C 7 x 9.8 7 2.090 0.210 0.366 2.87 9.8 21.3 0.968 6.08 0.625
C 6 x 13 6 2.157 0.437 0.343 3.83 13 17.4 1.05 5.80 0.642
C 6 x 10.5 6 2.034 0.314 0.343 3.09 10.5 15.2 0.866 5.06 0.564
C 6 x 8.2 6 1.920 0.200 0.343 2.40 8.2 13.1 0.693 4.38 0.492
C 5 x 9 5 1.885 0.325 0.320 2.64 9 8.90 0.632 3.56 0.450
C 5 x 6.7 5 1.750 0.190 0.320 1.97 6.7 7.49 0.479 3.00 0.378
C 4 x 7.25 4 1.721 0.321 0.296 2.13 7.25 4.59 0.433 2.29 0.343
C 4 x 5.4 4 1.584 0.184 0.296 1.59 5.4 3.85 0.319 1.93 0.283
C 4 x 4.5 4 1.584 0.125 0.296 1.32 4.5        
C 3 x 6 3 1.596 0.356 0.273 1.76 6 2.07 0.305 1.38 0.268
C 3 x 5 3 1.498 0.258 0.273 1.47 5 1.85 0.247 1.24 0.233
C 3 x 4.1 3 1.410 0.170 0.273 1.21 4.1 1.66 0.197 1.10 0.202
C 3 x 3.5 3 1.372 0.132 0.273 1.03 3.5    



ASTM A6/A6M - Dimensions and Static parameters - Imperial Units

ASTM Designation: A6/A6M - 12, Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling - "C" Shapes

A shape is classed a "Bar Size Shape" when its greatest dimension is less than 3 inches. It is a "Structural Shape" when at least one of its dimensions is 3 inches or greater.

The structural channel, also known as a C-beam, is a type of (usually structural steel) beam, used primarily in building construction and civil engineering. Its cross section consists of a wide "web", usually but not always oriented vertically, and two "flanges" at the top and bottom of the web, only sticking out on one side of the web. It is distinguished from I-beam or H-beam or W-beam type steel cross sections in that those have flanges on both sides of the web.

The structural channel is not used as much in construction as symmetrical beams, in part because its bending axis is not centered on the width of the flanges. If a load is applied equally across its top, the beam will tend to twist away from the web. This may not be a weak point or problem for a particular design, but is a factor to be considered.

Channels or C-beams are often used where the flat, back side of the web can be mounted to another flat surface for maximum contact area. They are also sometimes welded together back-to-back to form a non-standard I-beam.

ASTM International is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services.

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